Update on Open Source Contribution: Feb22

Hey there folks!

This week I worked on two projects and got an invitation to join an amazing community on Slack.

Community Connect

The first project that I worked on this week is Community Connect.

“Community Connect” is a health resource web application that aims to consolidate information about businesses and organization available in communities that promote healthy lifestyle choices. A health resource is defined as services or materials that improve the quality of life of others, ranging from affordable child care, substance abuse counseling, domestic violence support, and more. 

The website is written in React.

Again, It was a great opportunity for me to work with React.

I worked on the issue given below:

Setting up the project was easy. I just forked, cloned and did ‘yarn install’.

Even the fix was also pretty simple. I just searched for ‘Category’ text in VS Code search box and found the file (CategoryList.js) which contain this form. And then, I just the text from ‘Category’ to ‘Filter by Category’.

My pull request

In the end, I submitted the pull request with my changes and it got merged.

Project Repo Link

Issue Link

Pull Request Link

This is not the END

Since the issue, I fixed was simple. I asked for permission to work on another issue but the issue was already fixed. Later, I got a reply from the code maintainer to join their Slack channel (Code for Boston).

As soon as I joined the Slack channel. I got a text from Galiat (code maintainer) to assist her on contributing.md.

Slack chat
My suggestion regarding contributing.md doc

So I provided her a suggestion to add project setup steps in contributing.md to save some developer’s time.

It’s the first time I got invited by someone to join a developers community to work together. And, I excited and looking forward to fixing more issues on this project with other fellow developers.


Another project that I worked on this week is Vegeta-Server.

A RESTful API server for Vegeta, a load testing tool written in Go.

Vegeta is a versatile HTTP load testing tool built out of a need to drill HTTP services with a constant request rate. The Vegeta library is written in Go, which makes it ideal to implement the server in Go.

I worked on the issue given below:

Setting up the project was easy.

For this issue, I moved some code examples from one MD file to a newly created MD file.

Since I haven’t changed any document in an Open-Source project before, it was a good issue for me to work on.

My pull request

In the end, I submitted the pull request with my changes and it got merged.

Project Repo Link

Issue Link

Pull Request Link

In upcoming weeks, I will be working and fixing more issue in Open Source projects and definitely will post a blog update about it.

Stay Tuned!

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